Spiritual Journey Begins with a Leap of Faith


Spiritual Journey Begins with a Leap of Faith
Belief in God is not a natural process that we as human beings just follow. We have to exercise our free will and actively make a decision to have faith in God.
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Date: 5th May 2017

In the field of material science, we begin an experiment with a hypothesis and conclude with a verified result. But in the field of spiritual science, we begin the practice with a leap of faith which results in the direct perception of God.

The Bhakti Rasāmṛit Sindhu (1.4.15) states:

आदौ श्रद्धा ततः साधु-सङ्गो’थ भजन-क्रिया

ādau śhraddhā tataḥ sādhusaṅgo ’tha bhajanakriyā 

The first step in the path to God-Realization is to have faith. Then one begins participating in satsaṅg (spiritual programs). This leads to the personal practice of devotion.

Often people say that they are only willing to believe in what they can directly perceive, and since there is no immediate perception of God, they do not believe in him. However, the fact is that we believe in so many things in the world too, without direct perception of them. A judge delivers judgment upon a case concerning an event that took place many years in the past. If the judge adopted the philosophy of believing only what he or she had directly experienced, then the entire legal system would fail.

Watch this interesting video by Swami Mukundananda – ‘Does God Exist?’

A President administers a country on the basis of reports from all over the country. It is impossible for him to visit and see all the villages and cities within his domain. Now, if he was not willing to believe these reports, on the grounds that he had no direct perception of what was happening, how would he be able to administer the whole country? So, even in material activities, faith is required at every step.

The Bible states this very nicely:

“We walk by faith, and not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7) [v3]

Belief in God is not a natural process that we as human beings just follow. We have to exercise our free will and actively make a decision to have faith in God. Those who choose not to have faith in the spiritual path remain bereft of divine wisdom and continue rotating in the cycle of life and death.

राम राघव, राम राघव, राम राघव पाहिमाम्।

 राम राघव, राम राघव, राम राघव पाहिमाम्।

 राम राघव, राम राघव, राम राघव पाहिमाम् ।

 भरत लक्ष्मण शत्रुहन ये रूप तुम्हरो राघव । 

दाहिका सम शक्ति सीता अग्नि सम तुम राघव ।

 तुम ही माता, तुम पिता हो, तुम ही सर्वस राघव ।

 तुम हो स्वामी तुम सखा हो, तुम हो मम सुत राघव ।

 आत्मा को देह माना, भूल यह की राघव। 

बुद्धि जाने मन न माने तुम ही मेरे राघव । 

शरण में बाधक है माया वाय बरजहु राघव ।

 तुम न भूलो मोहिं हौं नहिं तोहिं भूलूँ राघव। 

भुक्ति नहिं चह, मुक्ति नहिं चह, प्रेम चह तव राघव ।

 तुम अगोचर निज कृपा ते, होवो गोचर राघव ।

टुक दिखा दो बाँकी झाँकी धनुषधारी राघव । 

चारों भाई जानकी माँ संग आओ राघव । 

जो न देना चहहु दर्शन आके कह दो राघव।

 गीध को भी उर लगाया कौन तुम सम राघव । 

तुम ने तारा बानरहुँ कहँ हौं तो नर हौं राघव। 

प्रेमवश शबरी के जूठे बेर खाये राघव । 

शिला पर भी की कृपा अस को कृपालु राघव ।

 एक दिन करिहौ कृपा यह है भरोसा राघव।

 देर है अंधेर नहिं है द्वार तुम्हरे राघव ।

 या कृपा करु या चला दो बाण निज कर राघव । 

जी लिया हौं बहुत तुम बिनु अब न जीऊँ राघव । 

अब न छोड़ें तोरा पाछा हौं हठी सुत राघव । 

हौं पतित तुम पतित पावन, करहु पावन राघव । 

कर कृपा तुम बिनुहि कारण बेर क्यों पुनि राघव ।

 तुम हो राम 'कृपालु ' पुनि क्यों कृपा नहिं कर राघव।

          ब्रज रस माधुरी पार्ट~1

The Curious Case of Krishna's Missing Ring:

A Playful Leela In the vibrant tapestry of Vrindavan, where love bloomed like wildflowers and the Yamuna flowed with the music of devotion, resides a charming tale of Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha. This isn't a story of grand battles or cosmic pronouncements, but a playful leela (divine act) that reveals the depths of their connection. One idyllic afternoon, as Krishna frolicked with Radha and the Gopis (milkmaids) by the Yamuna's glistening banks, a glint of mischief sparkled in his eyes. Adorned with a magnificent jeweled ring, a gift from Radha perhaps, Krishna playfully teased the Gopis, his laughter echoing through the meadows. Suddenly, with a flick of his wrist, the ring slipped off his finger and tumbled down a grassy knoll. 

The Gopis gasped, but Krishna simply grinned. "Fear not, my friends," he declared, his voice brimming with amusement. "This ring holds no power for me compared to the joy of your company." Despite his nonchalance, a playful search ensued. The Gopis, their love for Krishna boundless, eagerly sifted through the vibrant green, their laughter mingling with the chirping birds. Radha, her eyes filled with concern and a hint of playful worry, joined the search. But the ring remained elusive. Had it rolled into a hidden crevice? Or perhaps, carried away by a playful breeze?

 Krishna, observing their endearing efforts, decided to extend the leela. With a mischievous twinkle, he revealed a blade of grass, its tip curled into a perfect ring shape. "Behold!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with amusement. "Nature itself has crafted a ring worthy of your love." Radha, her lips curving into a smile, accepted the grass ring. In that moment, it wasn't the jewel-encrusted ornament they sought, but the depth of their connection that truly mattered. The charade of the lost ring served as a reminder that true love finds joy in the simplest of things, in shared moments and playful exchanges. This leela of Krishna's missing ring exemplifies the essence of JKP (Jnana, Karma, Bhakti) and JKYog. It highlights the importance of: Jnana (Knowledge): 

If you want to hear the leela you can click the link 
Recognizing the impermanence of material possessions and the true value of love and connection. Karma (Action): The Gopis' selfless act of searching for the ring reflects the importance of service and devotion. Bhakti (Devotion): The playful exchange between Krishna and Radha underscores the joy and lightness found in pure devotion. Through this enchanting tale, we learn that love transcends material objects. It's in the playful moments, the shared laughter, and the unwavering devotion that true connection flourishes.